The Real Work of Business

Greetings! I get it! There is SO much to do when you are running and building your business. Especially in this age of social media. How do we establish our priorities? What does it take to really grow your business? I remember years ago, a mentor of mine asked me if...

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What is Your Business Story

Greetings! When you know and share your business story, it creates a connection with your clients, vendors and team members that builds loyalty and trust. Customers buy from companies they trust over and over again. I share a great resource that can help you work on...

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The Importance of Consistency

Greetings! People have awakened to online learning and connection like never before. The number of people on social media has soared to 4.5 billion. 60% of the world’s population is online. That is staggering! More then ever before, building an eList as a gateway to...

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The Importance of Building Your List

Greetings! I am hearing a trend that is scaring me a little. I keep seeing ads on social media telling you that you don’t need an eList. This may be true for a single product launch, but not if you intend to grow your business. Your eList is your gateway to your...

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Getting Ready for Your Team

Greetings! I know. You need more help. I hear so many business owners who know this, but are you really ready? Here is a video that shares a few things that will help you make sure you are ready to have the team you need to thrive. Enjoy! - Ericka

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Maintaining Your Visionary Posture

Greetings! You are the captain of this ship. You are the visionary who was chosen to carry out the vision of your business. I call this maintaining your visionary posture. This posture is easy to maintain when you are a Specialist (the one wearing all the hats and...

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