I heard a great story of how a business owner who started her business from scratch was able to take a month off and truly relax. She completely unplugged from her business and was able to be fully present on a real sabbatical.
I have been in a serious laboratory intensely studying what it takes to grow your business from Specialist (being the one who wears all of the hats and does the client work) to Development (having a great team to grow your business and take care of your clients). This transition is key to you scaling your business and achieving your vision (and, taking a real vacation with NO laptop or checking emails on your mobile phone).
This is possible and the ladies of The Alliance are breaking this code so every business we work with can move build the business of their dreams. I share the four things that must be in place in order for you to get there in this video. Enjoy! – Ericka
Blessings, somehow I discovered your message “The God of the Impossible ” of which I have shared with all my friends,family, and First Lady. I know God is purposeful in all that He does so this is not just by chance that He has connected me here. I’m newly birthing a business as a Youth Life Strategist/Parent Empowerment Coach after 32 years as an Elementary School teacher. It is very much in the baby stage, though I’ve worked since November 2022 to put many of the pieces together. I am interested in learning more about your Christian Business Alliance.
I’m very grateful for the deposits you’ve already imparted into my life! Blessings upon your family, ministry, and businesses.